Invite a mate to quest together ( guild, /who ) If you are unable to complete a quest within the timespan you like you got 4 options:ģ. This is thottbot, a place to get info on how to complete a quest, not to tell ppl WoW sucks. I hope it has about 10,000XP because that's what I think it needs.Ĭomment by ThottbotSeriously ? How did you guys lvled upto the point where you could get this quest ? All these no good messages telling, no shouting, the readers that this quest sucks ? I think I will wait a few levels and then come back for this. Like the pendulum in a grandfather clock. Twenty minutes of fighting & healing cyles is like twenty minutes of watching paint dry after awhile. I ran from the bugs, not because I wasn't ready for them, but because I read the posts! Also because I was bored. How long can this go on? How about 20 minutes? Interesting - he can heal himself too (duh, he's a druid). Whack, heal, bam, heal, chop, heal, thunk, heal, swipe, heal, hit, heal. Weird, but I know what he can do, right? Same thing I would do. If I wasn't a skinner, my reward for that would be.nothing. Went back from the Tombstone Tavern and whacked a scorpion just to get my fingers working. What's 90S when you can kill a mob and get 5S? Uh wait, that doesn't work does it. OK, a surprise every now and then is interesting. Almost got them anyway but heal drops to 50% speed during a dual attack (with 3 attacking, just kiss your druid ass goodbye) and I couldn't instant heal fast enough. Didn't know about the bugs the first time. Remeber The Viper Sting drains mana )Ĭomment by Thottbot55 Druid fighting Druids. In this way, the druids are more likely not to heal themselvs. PS: Use Viper Sting on the druids twice while the pet is active. I guess this is because you never kill any of them. NB: Running back and forth like this, will ALWAYS spawn a wasp. The Hive Drones die out automatically after 5-8 min. Scince the respawn rate on these spirits are so fast, you can finish this quest without actually going into the center. I let the pet take care of it while I ran down the road again.

Anyway killing a druid on the right side, made another Hive Drone spawn. On the right side, I could still see the Wasp fly around, so I did not want to go over there incase I would aggro it again. (No pet-picture on the upper left part on my monitor) After a little "healing-rest", I called my pet and went to the left side of the entrance. Then I looted the corpse and ran away until i lost sight of my pet. In that way, the wasp will aggro on my pet, not me. When the Hive Drone spawned, I let my pet take the first hit. I started on the right side of the entrance, killing one of the spirits. At both sides of the entrance, there are some Tortured Druids and some Tortured Senitinels. Comment by flygendeteppeI soloed this quest as a level 54 Hunter.Īs mentioned above, the respawn rate is very fast.